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UTC-CTF writeup

I played UTC-CTF as wr0ngf1ag alone. Luckily, I reached 7th place at the end of that great competition! There were many well-designed challenges and educational challenges. Thanks to all the admins! [pwn] Simble bof (baby) [pwn] RIP my bof…

watevrCTF writeup

I played wateverCTF as a member of zer0pts. Luckily, my teammates are awesome. We reached 3rd place at the end of the competition! The scoreboard is pretty cool. And the infrastructure is so good. Moreover, there are very cool challenges. …

CTFZone 2019 Quals Writeup

[Crypto] Agents AES-OFB encrypted json which may formed : {"trusted": 0, "N": ..., "e": 65537} (@ptr-yudai guessed this) when we turned trused into 1, the server returned RSA-encrypted secrets using N and e in json. Since encryption mode w…